A.F. & A.M., B.C. & Y.R.
So you’re in the Lower Mainland but don’t know any Masons. That’s not a problem. Simply use the contact button at the bottom of this page, explaining who you are and why you’d like to become a member.
After making contact, the Lodge will invite you to several functions to let you get to know some of the members and vice versa. You must be sponsored by two members to join a Lodge and complete an application form in which you fill in your name, address, phone number, etc. The application states you are not joining to make business connections or get perks of that nature.
The other requirements:
You have to believe in a Supreme Being.
You have to be able to read and write in English.
You must have lived in British Columbia for the last 12 months and in the Lower Mainland for the last six.
You must be 21 years of age and male.
The application is read at a business meeting, and then a committee of three Lodge members is appointed to meet with you to find out your reasons for applying and ask whatever questions come to mind (and feel free to ask questions of your own). Preferably this is done at home where your partner can sit in on the chat and ask questions, too, as Masonic membership mustn’t interfere with one’s family life.
You will have to appear at a meeting of the officers and Past Masters of the Lodge on the 2nd Friday of the month at the Masonic Hall, where they will go over your application.
The committee then reports at the next business meeting (generally a month later, depending on the time of year), and the members have a secret vote. If the vote is favourable, you’ll be told by the Lodge when to show up for your First Degree and what fees are being charged for it.
There are three degrees in all, and certain parts of the ceremony must be memorised and recited before the members in order to advance. There is a fee for each degree and then an annual membership fee after receiving all three degrees.
There are two common misconceptions about applying for membership. The first is that someone must be related to a Mason to join, which is not true at all. The second is that someone must be invited to become a member. The very opposite is true. Don’t wait for, or expect, an invitation. You must ask to join. Someone must apply because it is their idea to do so and have a good enough opinion of Freemasonry that they would like to become a member.
What Commitment Do I Have to Make?
One you receive your First Degree, you’re entitled to attend all Lodge meetings. While there are usually only two formal meetings a month, the members get together more often than that. The Lodge has a business meeting on the 2nd Friday (along with discussions or presentations on topics of Masonic symbolism or history), a rehearsal for the degree ceremonies or a social function sometime during the month, and the degrees are conducted on the 4th Friday. The Lodge does not hold meetings in July or August, and does not have a meeting on the 4th Friday in December. There is, however, a Christmas Party during the month. Social events are generally open to any non-Masons you’d like to bring.
The First Degree ceremony informs the new Mason that his membership is not supposed to interfere with his responsibilities he has to his family, employer or business, or his church, should he belong to one.
What Kind of People are in the Freemasons
A former Secretary of our Lodge, who has been a Mason almost 60 years, likes to tell of how he’s sat in Lodge with a Supreme Court judge next to a ditch-digger. There are people of all types of occupations; people you might never meet otherwise. But we, as Masons, all have something in common. We’ve all taken the same obligation to follow the principles of Freemasonry as best as we can. We all believe in assisting those in need if we’re able and it’s practicable, becoming better educated, following our own faith, attempting to be better people, of being men of our word. Masons are young and old, and come from various races, religions, countries, political stripes and sexual orientations.
Many members feel Freemasonry is like a family. The kind of people that are in the Freemasons are brothers you have never met.
Please feel free to leave general inquiries, comments or suggestions. We will reply to you at our earliest convenience.